The light from lightening bugs represents hope, guidance, & awakening.

Intuitive Readings

Readings are my favorite. 

I ask that you not tell me anything before the reading.  Preconceived ideas can interfere with the message I receive.

I do not "tell the future". I can tell you the energies currently surrounding the situation and those you may encounter going forward depending on the choices you make. I can also ask for advice on the energy for you to embrace to improve the situation. That said, your future is completely up to you. We all have the divine gift of Free Agency. Only you can decide what your future will be.

While I do many kinds of readings I am primarily what is called a Shadow Reader. Most often I help you to recognize emotional woundings, traumas, and false narratives you are holding onto that need to be brought to the surface, acknowledged, processed, and released so you can continue to progress. 

My intention is always to help you learn how to heal yourself. No one can heal you but you. I am just a helper.